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Growing up Solo

I feel like everyone has this weird perspective of people who grew up an only child. Spoiled, don't know how to share, dependent, selfish or self-centered. Some of those things may be true for others, but for me, the reaction I always got when I told people I was an only child was a shock to them. Like "oh really, I couldn't tell" and I always asked myself "why does that surprise you?"

I'm not going to lie it was easy for me to get what I wanted, when I asked of course, because it's just me who else they going to give it to, you know. Did I get spoiled, maybe, I grew up around a lot of women. Did I take advantage of it though? I think my family would say no. I never really asked for anything and I still don't to this day. And I think that's what made it easy for them to give me what I wanted on the rare occasion I did ask for something. Does that make me spoiled?

As far as being selfish, dependent and not knowing how to share. I think I've always been far from that. What I can say is that it can definitely get lonely. Wishing I had someone to play the game with, play a sport with, or just do dumb shit with would have been dope. This can be a good or a bad thing depending on how you perceive being alone. Some people cant deal with being alone and for someone like me it's where I'm most comfortable, always have been. Always having my own space was cool, and if I ever had to share that space I had no problem with it, as long as I fucked with you. Shoutout to my cousins and the homies!!!

I have no problem being secluded because I always have been, does that make sense? I have no problem being by myself because it's the most peaceful for me. Does that sound sad lol? It's true though. I think it's beneficial because I've become comfortable being with myself instead of relying on other people to fill that void for me. Relying on people or expecting people to fill that void sounds crazy to me. Don't get me wrong having someone that adds to your happiness is great. They not the source of it though, so with or without I know I'll be good.

Now does that come with other issues, most definitely. For myself, connecting with people or interacting with people is still an issue for me. Not only because I'm so used to being by myself, but the added aspect of not trusting people doesn't help and that's a hard one to shake for me. That's another topic though. Then add social anxiety and self-awareness, that turns into me just waiting on people to interact with me instead of the other way around because I know if they do, they going to get to know a great person!

And yes it sucks to say it's hard to trust people to be good people, but that doesn't mean I wont give them a chance. I know I have to show people just as much as I want them to show me. It just takes me awhile.


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